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Double Purpose Ffs Machines For Liquids And Granules Model 0520Dbl An Ideal Machine For Co Packers

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A versatile fully automatic vertical form fill seal machine capable for packing both liquids & powders in portion pack sachets. The machine is ideally suitable for free flowing liquids, powders and granules.

It is the most versatile 2-in-1 machine to pack shampoo, body lotion, sauces, jam, sugar, salt, pepper, etc. in single use sachets which can be used in Restaurants, Hotels, Fast Food Centers and Airline industries.

By installing this machine, you can run a highly profitable and flexible packaging operation. Since it can be used to pack both powders and liquids, this machine will never be idle! You do not have to refuse any job because you have a machine for all types of products. 

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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A, Automatic Form Fill Machinery, Automatic Form Fill Seal Machinery, Automatic Packaging Machinery, Empty Tea Bags, Ffs Machines For Granules Model 0520, Ffs Machines For Liquids Model 0520L, Ffs Machines For Tea Bags With String And Tag Model Ffs 0520 11Ch, Fill And Seal Machinery, Flexible Packaging Machinery, Flexible Packing Machinery, Form Fill And Seal Machinery, Form Fill Machine, Form Fill Seal Machinery, Form Filling Machinery, Form Sealing Machinery, Horizontal Form Fill And Seal Machine, Horizontal Form Fill Seal Machinery, Horizontal Form Filling Machinery, Horizontal Pouch Filling Machinery, Large Format Bagging Machines, Low Cost Light Duty Sachet Packing Machines For Granules Model Ffsld 60G, Milk And Water Sachet Machine, Multipurpose Volumetric Filling Machines, Pillow Pack Ffs Machines For Granules Model Ffs 388G, Pouch Packing Machinery, Pouch Sealing Machinery, Pouches Fill And Seal Machinery, Pouches Filling Machinery, Products, Pyramid Pack Machines, Semi Automatic Filling Machine For 200 Capsules, Single Lane Stick Pack Machine, Tea Bag Boxes, Tea Bag Outer Envelopes, Tea Bag Packaging Machines, Tea Bag Tags, Tea Bag Thread, Tea Bags Filter Paper, Vertical Form Fill And Seal Machinery, Vertical Form Fill Machinery, Vertical Form Fill Seal Machinery, Vertical Form Filling Machinery